Unleash your nightmares!! We want to work with you on bringing your darkest fears to your photo shoot...

  • Category: Business
  • Service Duration: 03:00 Hours
  • Address: 5 St Mary Pl, Dundee, UK (Map)
  • More Info: Mr Drew Photography Studio
  • Price:£260



This shoot is entirely crafted around your most twisted dark fantasies. We would love to hear what your nightmare fuel is!!

We have a vast selection of props, weapons, backgrounds, costumes and studio kit available. So get in touch and lets get discussing your personalised horror shoot, we will work with you on making your worst nightmare a reality. Even if you have a simple idea let us know, we can help you develop the concept in to something creatively sadistic  

The 3 hour shoot is a more immersive experience than the 1 hour shoot:

- We can add victims for you to feast on and minions for you to psychologically warp

- Location and studio shoots are possible if kept within the time frame

- Full body painting / special fx painting / prosthetics options

- We can even drown you in a fish tank........ yup, that happened in a shoot already lol